We celebrate a lot of birthdays in our family. Especially during the summer months. The weather must have been cold in October and November. Currently we have sixty-seven family members. Daddy and Mother’s downline. My hubby gets a little overwhelmed with all the comradery sometimes. He and I had similar upbringings about a lot of things but we did not have the same experience with birthdays. He says his birthday is just another day. I will never forget the look on his face when he opened the door to 50-60 family and friends yelling “surprise” on his 60th birthday. It was priceless!!! It was his first birthday party. “Daddy’s coming around to Momma’s way of thinking.”

Haven’t we all been taught that God has a plan for each of us? So, if you think about it, the day God chooses for us to come into this world is the day He sets our personal plan into motion. That makes it a VERY special day. There are two great days in a person’s life – the day we are born and the day we discover why. It sometimes takes a long time to become young. To me old age is always 20 years older than me.

“God brings about birthdays, not as deadlines but lifelines.  He builds them into our calendar once every year to enable us to make an annual appraisal, not only of our length of life but our depth.  Not simply to tell us we’re growing older but to help us determine if we are also growing deeper.” Charles Swindoll

When the hour glass runs out of sand, you can’t turn it over.

Growing up our family birthday celebrations started the minute you woke up on “your” day. Messages, singing, music, special songs, balloons, cards and of course there’s your favorite cake and parades with marching bands! Well, maybe not parades but almost. We were off the hook from doing any chores. For me, being born in July, meant I didn’t have to shell peas that day. Haha. Not much has changed as adults.

Gotta get busy planning some birthday parties. What are birthday traditions in your family? Leave a reply below.

Thank you! Let’s make it a great day!

Teach us to number our days that we may gain a heart of wisdom.

Psalm 90:12