Preserving the Heritage - Promoting the Future (Uplifting Stories from Yesterday and Today)

Story of Two Sons

I once heard the story of two sons who had a father who was a criminal and ended up in jail.

One son grew up to be a doctor.

The other grew up to end up in jail himself.

A psychology student was doing a term paper on how children who grow up in the same house, with the same rules and same daily lives could turn out so differently.  He interviewed both of the sons and asked each of them the same question:

 “What do you think is the primary, contributing factor of where you are today?”

They both gave the same answer, “With a father like mine, how else could I have turned out?”

So you see – in the final analysis it was their own behavior, choices and attitude that made them who they had become as men – not their father.

One son decided he would follow in his father’s footsteps.  The other son made up his mind he would not.

Make good choicesWe can blame every one of our problems on everyone in the entire world, but in the end, it is our own behavior that will either make us or break us into becoming the person we need to be.


Formula  to Know Right from Wrong taken from Pursuit of Holiness by Jerry Bridges:

  1.  Is it helpful – physically, spiritually and mentally?
  2. Does it bring me under its power?
  3. Does it hurt others?
  4. Does it glorify God?

Samantha Living

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1 Comment

  1. George Hodgson

    Great truth in this comparison.

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